So since I missed doing a weekend update yesterday, and we actually had a great weekend, I thought I'd break protocol and do one today. Only because I know you will shrivel away and die if you do not know every moment of my life. True story.
After last week's Snow-At-The-Cabin debacle, we thought we'd try again. The forecast was calling for beautiful 72 degrees up there, so we thought we might as well. Justin would kick himself if he missed the first warm fishing day of the year. So Friday night we trucked ourselves back up there. Justin's grandparents were planning on going as well, they left at noon to go up. Well, when we got there, we saw them sitting in the driveway - they had brought the wrong keys and had been hanging out for oh, I don't know, EIGHT hours. Super fun. But they're good sports anyhow. I should also note that I adore Justin's grandparents. It's like looking through a mirror to 50 years from now for me and Justin. Grandpa Curtis is stoic, serious and looks EXACTLY like Justin, to the point of sometimes weirding me out. But because I like Justin (really, I do!) I tend to think Grandpa is the man. And Grandma is crazy, like me. I always laugh and wonder how serious, quiet people like Justin and Grandpa always end up with the psychos. Must be a glutton for punishment.
Anyhow, by 6am the next morning Grandpa was dying to head out. He had woken up at 4:45 and was visibly disappointed when no one else was up. So we braved the freezing cold and went fishing. We did okay, actually! I even caught a salmon. Yeah, I'm pretty big time stuff. We went back in at lunch and got Addison, who had been spending the morning with Grandma, and went back out. Addison LOVES being out fishing on the boat. She runs all over, leans out over the water, and generally terrifies me into thinking she'll drown. But we all made it home alive!!
We ate all of our delicious fish (I caught you a delicious bass... film anyone?) yesterday. I got to eat my salmon and I have to say, they taste much better than they look. Who would have thought that I would be such an outdoorsy, fisher-type person?
Addison being cute in her life jacket
Adds and Daddy, trying to keep her from falling out of the boat.
Me very angry about being up at 6am on a Saturday.
Learning to live, part III.
5 years ago
Napoleon Dynamite. I win.
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