Still working on the name thing. Justin is TOO FICKLE.
Anyhow, I went for my first of the routine monitoring appointments. I am getting to know everyone around Mat-Fetal Medicine more than I would ever hope to. Kami is my ultrasound tech, she came in and did the preliminary measurements, and she always makes sure to print off a few pics for me, so I like her. Then Dr. Schemmer comes in and takes a more thorough look. As of yesterday, the baby's heart is pumping fabulously, which I am loving. They still can't believe that he has sustained and developed his brother as well as he has with no help or surgery thus far. Dr. Schemmer looked over the reports from Sick Kids and agreed that we won't do the surgery unless the baby starts to show signs of heart failure. He's doubled the size of his twin, which is really good news, as well as he is not pumping as much into him as he used to be. At the beginning of this mess, we were assured that this was not a condition that would resolve itself, and that surgery would more than likely be our only route. But here we are with this tough little kid who keeps soldiering on with no help from the outside world. It's amazing.
We're still keeping the same game plan of two a week monitoring for the next few weeks, until we can go to three a week. We'll measure the small twin next week (we can only do it every three weeks to be accurate) and as long as his growth is slowing, our prognosis gets better every day.
So here's a pic of the little miracle guy! I know that ultrasound pictures don't look like much, but for him to sit still long enough (he's WIGGLY!) to get this pic was kind of a feat.
I finally went and bought some little baby boy stuff, which we hadn't done because we didn't know whether or not we'd get through this all. Can I just say that baby boy things that look like man-clothes are the best? I went a little nuts. But Size One work boots? YES PLEASE!
Learning to live, part III.
5 years ago
You made me cry reading your blog. I am SO happy for you guys. I bet you must be feeling so good to know how healthy your little boy is. That's a really great ultrasound pic. And I totally agree, little boy clothes are SO cute.
I'm so glad to hear that he's such a trooper! That is truly amazing that he's making such good progress. I'm jealous you get buy boy clothes, I will forever be buying pink and purple!
What about Broderick? It's a scottish name that means 'brother'. You could call him Brody.
I love the name Thomas. It means 'twin' in greek.
I'm glad that things are looking up for you. You're in my thoughts a lot.
That is great! You have so many prayers coming your way and they are working!
Boys clothes are the best! But when I see girl clothes I want those too!
I love the name Burke for a little boy! I don't know if Gabe will ever let me use it though.
Hang in there, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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