Monday, August 24, 2009

Calling All Ghostbusters!

Looking for answers here...

Addison has developed an entirely unnatural fear of aliens coming into her room at night (Should've turned off that episode of Dateline!) Anyways, she now refuses to sleep in her room and usually ends up on the floor in ours. What the heck?? How do I get her to sleep in her bed. We've tried giving her a comfort object ( a glow bracelet, which worked for a while until she caught on), and also a special flashlight to scare aliens away. Any other ideas??


Anonymous said...

You don't know me but I read your blog religiously. My daughter is 8 now but we went through the same thing when she was Addison's age only it was ghosts and a monkey in the closet - thank you older cousin. I read somewhere to make monster repellant (water with green food coloring in a plastic spray bottle that you can label as such) and to spray it around the doors and windows (in closet) to prevent whatever it is they are afraid of from coming in. I was afraid it would stain but I put it on fine mist and had no problems. Plus they have fun bossing you around telling you where to spray it. We kept on the nightstand by her bed for further protection. After a couple of weeks she forgot all about it.

GuppiesGalore said...

Nolan was scared of monsters in his closet for awhile. We named the monsters, made up silly stories about them and drew their pictures. That helped put a face to his fear and it wasn't such a big deal anymore.


J.T. and KristaLyn said...

Stick your toes in her mouth, that might work

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